Our Non-Human Friends

This page is dedicated to all of the sweet kitties and doggies an other animals with whom we have stayed or visited.  Thank you all for making us feel welcome!

Carrie, my sister's cat.  She knows our cat, Tiger, is deaf, and uses this knowledge to stalk and terrorize him.

Carrie, my sister’s cat.
She knows our cat, Tiger, is deaf, and uses this knowledge to stalk and terrorize him


Daisy, the Dachshund, hanging out.

mr big

Mr. Big, my sister’s cat. He and Whiskers were best friends.

ocracoke cat

A sweet, fat cat I met at the lighthouse in Ocracoke.
She reminded me of Tiger, except for the dried blood under her claws.

pa dogs

Our three doggie hosts in PA: Freddi, Rosie and Banjo.


Eric with Pavlov, who does not drool.


Our own handsome Tiger-cat, looking regal, as ever!


Our ever-helpful Whiskers, back in the good old days.


Holly and her trusty steed, Copper.


Eric and Sky.


Kitkat, our mouser friend in Bend.

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